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Eirik V Johnsen b. 1959, Oslo. 

Eirik V. Johnsen and Kristian Pohl met up with Lavasir Nordrum in 1986 and did their first deadline art project that year, while attending Fotoskolan in Stockholm. This project set the stage for their further artistic endeavors. They have developed the format along the way and as of 2018 they have collaborated on 33 deadline art projects, the latest of which is «Time and Time Again», set in Budapest in November 2017. They explore the possibility of creating work with "verkshøyde" (e.g. beyond the threshold of originality) within tight time constraints. They select a place, develop a (secret) mantra and define a timeframe. Before they leave the place they have to publish the work they have created, somehow. Most often it is published on - an online gallery for digital poetry where Kristian and Eirik are founding members.


Time And Time Again:


This deadline art project is a tale where many different Budapest faces tell their stories.
This is especially fitting, since Budapest is a town that loves stories and where history is present at every street corner and in every apartment. And where the past loops into the future and where the present is always a precarious state. Eirik V Johnsen and Kristian Pohl traveled those loops and shared these images in late november 2017.










** Click on image to view its full size.

Vi snakker ofte om Amerika / We often talk about America (From the project Red Sector)

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© All copyrights for the images of the works on this site remain with the individual copyright holders and are protected by international laws. The photographs may not be reproduced or manipulated in any form without written permission by the photographer.

Graphic design and website by Ina Otzko.


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