Gjert Rognli works as a multimedia artist, and in the last few years he has worked on his own short films, photography, books and performance. In his art projects, he often deals with questions related to identity, religious roots, sexuality, silence and time. Rognli has received a number of scholarships and international awards for his work, and had many separate and collective exhibitions at home and abroad, including the Louvre Museum in Paris. He has worked at many of Norway's most important cultural institutions such as Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, the National Theatre, and he also worked as a scenography assistant at The Olympic Games in 1994 in Norway. Rognli won the prize Gullruten as part of the children and youth program Go`elg in Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation.
Gjert Rognli jobber som multimediakunstner, og i de siste årene har han jobbet med egne kortfilmer, fotografi, bøker og performance. I sine kunstprosjekt behandler han ofte spørsmål om identitet, religiøse røtter, seksualitet, stil og tid. Rognli har mottatt en rekke stipendier og internasjonale priser for sitt arbeid, og har hatt mange separate og kollektive utstillinger i inn-og utland, inkludert Louvre Museum i Paris. Han har jobbet ved mange av Norges viktigste kulturinstitusjoner som NRK, Nationaltheatret, og som scenografassistent ved De olympiske leker i 1994 i Norge. Rognli vant prisen Gullruten som medvirkende i barne og ungdomsprogrammet Go`elg i NRK.
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