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Kristoffer Myhre works with consciously challenging technique, aesthetics and storytelling. His creative outlet often comes to life in collaboration with other talents within fashion and design. Kristoffer looks at his photography multifaceted, where each piece is carefully cared for. At the same time he's leaving room for unexpected synergies to occur. 


After getting his degree at Norwegian School of Photography in Trondheim, he has been awarded several prices for his work, and participated in exhibitions both in Norway and internationally. Now situated in Oslo he works with several commercial clients, as well as giving lectures and workshops. 



Kristoffer Myhre jobber bevisst med å utfordre fototeknikk, estetikk og historiefortelling. Han får ofte utløp for kreativiteten sin i samarbeid med fagspesialister innen mote og design. Kristoffer ser på fotografiet som et puslespill. Hver brikke velges nøye, samtidig som det skal oppstå en spennende synergi når brikkene settes sammen. 


Etter endt utdannelse ved Fotofagskolen i Trondheim, har han mottatt flere priser for arbeidene sine, og deltatt på utstillinger både i Norge og utenfor landegrensene. Med base i Oslo jobber han med flere kommersielle kunder, og holder kurs og foredrag med jevne mellomrom.






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© All copyrights for the images of the works on this site remain with the individual copyright holders and are protected by international laws. The photographs may not be reproduced or manipulated in any form without written permission by the photographer.

Graphic design and website by Ina Otzko.


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