Linda Bournane Engelberth is a Norwegian/Algerian artist based in Oslo and Berlin. She holds a advanced craft certificate in photography and a BA in History of Art. Her work focuses on identity through personal and subjective narratives, as well as rural communities which are in flux. Her most recent exhibition include Die Haus der Photographie, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, DUMBO Art Festival, New York and Noplace, Oslo, among several other exhibitions in Norway, the US and Europe.
From 2011-2013 she was selected for the Norwegian Journal of Photography, a program supporting ten independent photographers in Norway. Her work was selected for the European Photo Exhibition Award 2014. She is represented by the VII Photo Agency, located in New York. Upcoming solo exhibitions will take place at Box 24 in Algiers in Februay 2018.
Linda Bournane Engelberth (f. 1977, Oslo) er en norsk-algerisk kunstner basert i Oslo. Hun har stilt ut ved bl.a. Haus der Photographie, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, DUMBO Art Festival, New York, NoPlace, Oslo og Auckland Festival of Photography, New Zealand. Hun var med i den første utgaven av The Norwegian Journal of Photography i 2013. Linda Bournane Engelberth er innkjøpt av Preus Museum i Horten og representert av VII Photo, New York.
Linda Bournane Engelberth presents two projects:
Wind, Sand and Stars
I am a Norwegian/Algerian artist raised in Norway by my Norwegian mother, and without knowing my Algerian father and his family. I have always been curious about my other country of origin. As a teenager I finally made contact with my father and more recently, my wider family in Algeria. When my Berber grandmother turned 100, she wrote me a letter so that I wouldn't forget about my father's homeland. This project is an attempt to research my own identity as a western woman investigating this foreignness that makes up half my bloodline.
As a stranger, with a feeling of being on the outside, I have walked the streets of Algiers trying to connect. I have documented everything from the city to the life of my family. I have been interested in the smaller details: street signs in Arabic, a cactus growing through the fence and people in the streets. These photos are attempts to absorb the nuances of life in Algiers. They are my first steps into a culture that feels like it should be part of me, but which I do not yet know.
Through the artistic project PERSONA Linda Bournane Engelberth is researching central problems connected to the photographic medium as a representation of reality. The starting point of PERSONA is the life of the artist's mother, a life dominated by serious illness and immense challenges. The artist is staging herself as her deceased parent, investigating an alternate fictional reality, a flipside of the life lived.
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