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Martin Losvik, born 1985, living in Bodø. Autodidact photographer. Works today in advertising agency.
He works with his own projects and as press photographer, portrait photographer, landscape and something that approaches the art. Losvik works digitally and is known for his distinctive style, which can both contain humor, surrealism and darkness. In this series, he presents a number of self-portraits taken over a decade.


Martin Losvik, født 1985, bosatt i Bodø. Autodidakt fotograf. Utdannet almennlærer. Jobber til daglig i et reklamebyrå. Han arbeider med egne prosjekter og som pressefotograf, portrettfotograf, landskap og noe som nærmer seg kunsten. Losvik arbeider digitalt og er kjent for sin særegne stil som både kan inneholde humor, surrealisme og mørke. I denne serien presenterer han en rekke selvportrett tatt opp over en tiårsperiode. 


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© All copyrights for the images of the works on this site remain with the individual copyright holders and are protected by international laws. The photographs may not be reproduced or manipulated in any form without written permission by the photographer.

Graphic design and website by Ina Otzko.

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