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Paal Audestad, born 1968, is an Oslo-based photographer who lives in Fredrikstad. The interest in music in his early years meant that he quickly focused on album covers, and from there to read English music magazines like NME and Melody Maker filled with black and white photographs of rockers by eventually legendary photographers.


One evening at Blitz in 1985 he took courage and asked Michael Krohn of Raga Rockers permission to take a portrair, two exposures. In that very moment he knew he wanted to be a photographer. 


Following a stint at the Norwegian Press Photography School (1988-90) he has worked as a freelance photojournalist and has been affiliated with the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten for the past 17 years. He works frequently in the music environment and has taken promo and cover photographs for several of Norway's biggest artists, such as the Kaizer Orchestra, Sivert Høyem, Kvelertak and Oslo Ess. Paal Audestad was awarded annual photo of the year in 2013.


Paal Audestad, født 1968, er en Oslo-basert fotograf som bor i Fredrikstad. Interessen for musikk i hans tidlige år gjorde at han raskt ble interessert i platecover, og ikke minst i bildene og derfra til å lese engelske musikkaviser som NME og Melody Maker fylt med rockebilder i sort/hvitt av etterhvert legendariske fotografer.


En kveld på Blitz i 1985 tok han mot til seg og spurte Michael Krohn i Raga Rockers om å få ta et bilde av han, to eksponeringer. Siden har han visst at det var fotograf han ville bli.


Etter Norsk Pressefotografskole (1988-90) har Paal Audestad jobbet som frilansfotojournalist og har vært tilknyttet avisen Aftenposten de siste 17 årene. Han arbeider ofte i musikkmiljøet og har tatt promo og cover fotografier for flere av Norges største artister, som Kaizer Orchestra, Sivert Høyem, Kvelertak og Oslo Ess. Paal Audestad ble tildelt prisen Årets Bilde i 2013.



Presented here are a selection from two of his projects.

Polaroid images from Chernobyl and a selection from his series of Culture Personalities photographed with his old Leica M4 that he has had since he was 17, and which is an ongoing project. With one roll of film he captures 36 unique portraits, one exposure per individual. Paal Audestad currently works with film no. 3


Fotografiene er et utvalg fra to av hans prosjekter.
Polaroidbilder fra Tjernobyl og Portrett av kulturpersonligheter tatt med hans gamle Leica M4 han har
hatt siden han var 17, som er er pågående prosjekt. En eksponering pr. person - 36 personer på en film.

Paal Audestad arbeider for tiden med film nr. 3


***Click on img for full size.



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© All copyrights for the images of the works on this site remain with the individual copyright holders and are protected by international laws. The photographs may not be reproduced or manipulated in any form without written permission by the photographer.

Graphic design and website by Ina Otzko.


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