Pål Hermansen (b.1955) works as a photographer in the field of nature and arts. He is educated from Robert Meyer College of Art, Oslo, in addition degrees in dentistry and homeopathy. In his work, he mainly focus upon the interaction between man and nature, existential landscapes and creative wildlife photography.
Pål Hermansen has written / illustrated 35 books and is one out of ten photographers represented in the 2013 international portfolio book, Masters of Nature Photography. His images have appeared in publications such as National Geographic Magazine, ORION and BBC Wildlife. Hermansen has received many prizes from major competitions including World Press Photo, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Big Picture and European Nature Photographer of the Year. His works are exhibited worldwide.
Pål Hermansen f. 1955) jobber som natur - og kunstfotograf. Han er utdannet ved Robert Meyer College of Art, Oslo. I sitt arbeid fokuserer han hovedsakelig på samspillet mellom menneske og natur, eksistensielle landskap og kreativ naturfotografering.
Pål Hermansen har publisert / illustrert 35 bøker og er en av ti fotografer representert i den internasjonale porteføljeboken Masters of Nature Photography, 2013. Hans bilder har vært presentert i publikasjoner som National Geographic Magazine, ORION og BBC Wildlife. Hermansen er gjentatte ganger premiert i store konkurranser som World Press Photo, Nature Photographer of the Year, Big Picture and European Nature Photographer of the Year. Hans arbeider stilles ut verden over.
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