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Norwegian/American Paul Paiewonsky takes a traditional documentary approach to his photography. Generally his images are made in a responsive mode, where he strives to extract what he discovers in the visible world and translate it to a two dimensional surface.  He has been curious and experimented with many genres. His work, both personal and commercial, are all a form of subjective documentary.

With a BFA in photography from New York University TISCH School of the Arts from 1987 he set out to work for numerous newspapers and magazines in the US and in Norway.  Early in his career he partook in the first Eddie Adams Workshop in 1988 and the exhibition “A New Generation Photographers” hosted by Forbundet Frie Fotografer. In 2007, after 20 years in the news and media business he left his job as Photo Editor at the daily newspaper VG to work independently.  This has resulted in over 10 travel, food and wine books.




To ski jump, or to fly on skis is like defeat the forces of nature, at least for a few seconds. A ski jump is constructed in a landscape where the landing hill has an ideal slope to enable a long flight.  Old ski jumps were built with wood in forests. Many of these jumps are abandoned and nature has again taken over.  I am fascinated by the play between these abandoned man made structures and and the forces of nature - on these structures that were made to overpower the forces of nature.



Norsk/amerikanske Paul Paiewonsky har en dokumentarisk tilnærming til fotografi. Han har vært nysgjerrig og har eksperimentert med mange genre.  Arbeidet hans, både det personlige og det kommersielle kan beskrives som subjektiv dokumentarisk. Etter å fullført en bachelor i fotografi fra New York University TISCH School of the Arts i 1987 har han jobbet for en mengde aviser og tidsskrifter i USA og i Norge.  Tidlig i karrieren deltok han på den første Eddie Adams workshop i 1988, og stilte ut på utstillingen “En ny generasjon fotografer” i regi av FFF i 1989. I 2007 etter 20 år i mediabransjen forlot han stilling som bildesjef i VG for å jobbe som selvstendig fotograf.  Det har resultert i over 10 reise-, vin- og matbøker.



Å hoppe, eller fly på ski er som å overvinne naturkreftene i noen sekunder. En hoppbakke er konstruert i egnet naturlandskap der unnarennet har ideell skråning som kan gi et langt svev. Gamle bakker var bygget av tre i skogen. Mange gamle anlegg er forlatt og naturkreftene tar over igjen.  Jeg er fascinert av spillet mellom de forlatte menneskeskapte strukturene og naturens påvirkning på strukturene som var laget for å overvinne andre naturkrefter.


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© All copyrights for the images of the works on this site remain with the individual copyright holders and are protected by international laws. The photographs may not be reproduced or manipulated in any form without written permission by the photographer.

Graphic design and website by Ina Otzko.


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