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Sigfrid Hernes is born in Voss, lives and works in Alta, Finnmark. Hernes works with photography and drawing, often in large scales. Her works are represented in several collections: RidduDuotterMuseet, samiske samlinger, Karasjok; Sparebanken 1 Nord-Norges kunststiftelse, Tromsø; Johan Strays Stiftelse, Oslo; Galleri Van Bau, Vestfossen; Nordnorsk kunstmuseum, Tromsø; Altaposten, Alta; Alta kunstforening, Alta; Norsk lulturråd; Museet for samtidskunst, Oslo.



“I work in deserted landscapes outside cities and towns. These are places I call my ‘playground’. It feels good to imagine that they will be there for a long time after I'm gone.”




Sigfrid Hernes er født i Voss, bur og arbeider i Alta, Finnmark. Hernes arbeider med fotografi og tegning, ofte i store formater. Arbeidene hennes er representert i mange samlinger: RidduDuotterMuseet, samiske samlinger, Karasjok; Sparebanken 1 Nord-Norges kunststiftelse, Tromsø; Johan Strays Stiftelse, Oslo; Galleri Van Bau, Vestfossen; Nordnorsk kunstmuseum, Tromsø; Altaposten, Alta; Alta kunstforening, Alta; Norsk lådråd; Museet for samtidskunst, Oslo.


“Jeg jobber i øde landskaper utenfor byer og tettsteder. De er ‘lekeplassen’ min. Det kjennes godt å tenke at de vil være der veldig lenge etter at ‘jeg’ er borte.”


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”Duken” Magerøya, Norway, 2017

”Mine area” outside Zapolyarny, Norway, 2014

”Dog and stone” Magerøya, Norway, 2017

”Stone nearby the city” Zapolyarny, Russia, 2014

”Man and stone” Magerøya, Norway, 2017

”My playground” Ifjordfjellet, Norway, 2008

”Mine area 2”outside Zapolyarny, Russia 2014

”Heaven over Murmansk” Russia, 2014

”Stone landscape” Magerøya, 2017

”Be close to” Stabbursdalen, Norway, 2012

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© All copyrights for the images of the works on this site remain with the individual copyright holders and are protected by international laws. The photographs may not be reproduced or manipulated in any form without written permission by the photographer.

Graphic design and website by Ina Otzko.


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