Steinar Christensen b.1946, Kristiansund.
In a sense, Steinar Christensen’s work demonstrates his ability to open up discussions across genres and may be interpreted as comments on the current state of civilization. He demonstrates a unique ability to renew his artistic expression, yet his work primarily displays traditional still-lifes, incorporating both contemporary elements and art historical references.

The artist collaborates with experts in specific disciplines and embraces new techniques and materials, in constant search to visualise his social engagement. Photographer Mikkel Moxness is Christensen’s partner in the photographic work.
A common characteristic in Christensen’s work is the absence of people, however his art clearly expresses the human condition. Christensen is well known for his photographic work with reference to The Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century, as well as his monumental steel sculptures, star installations and international performances. In his most recent work he envisions the subject of death, through Kerberos, the dog of Hades, who guards the entrance to hell and devours the flesh of those who pass. 

Steinar Christensen, born 1946 in Kristiansund, is predominantly self-taught, with a short stay at Vestlandets Art Academy in 1970.
Christensen has been a professor at Vestlandets Art Academy (1978 – 1983) and Valand Academy in Gothenburg, as well as visiting professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. He also served as a professor (1989 – 1996) and acting principal (1991 – 1992) at the National Art Academy in Norway. 

Christensen’s work has been exhibited at renowned galleries in Norway and abroad. He has represented Norway at La Biennial di Venezia, and his work is included in numerous private and museum collections, including the National Gallery, the Henie Onstad Art Centre, Oslo Municipality’s Art Collection, Statoil Art Collection and the Norwegian Cultural Council.
Steinar Christensen har alltid vært en kunstner i utvikling, med mange overraskelser i sitt uforutsigbare kunstnerskap. Han har ingen tydelig signatur og beveger seg lekende og fritt mellom ulike medier. Han har gjort performance, arbeidet med lyd og musikk, skapt enorme installasjoner og objekter som for eksempel Stella Maris i Skulptur landskap Nordland. De siste Ã¥rene har han valgt å uttrykke seg hovedsakelig gjennom fotografiet. Christensen har alltid samarbeidet tett med fagfolk innen de ulike disipliner, i fotografiet er det Fotograf Mikkel Moxnes som er hans nærmeste samarbeidspartner.
For slik poesien, i språklig form, arbeider med fortetning av uttrykk, har Christensen utviklet et unikt visuelt språk. Hans nyere arbeider er fortettet, lag på lag, nesten ugjennomtrengelige. De ulike symbolene kunstneren benytter seg av kan virke løsrevet og tilfeldig ved første øyekast. Det er da Christensen innstendig inviterer oss til å se èn gang til. Hans arbeider åpner for både paradoksale konstellasjoner og eksistensielle situasjoner – et vart varsel om den globale situasjon.
Christensen var professor og rektor ved Kunstakademiet i Oslo og professor ved Vestlandets Kunstakademi, Konsthøgskolan Valand i Göteborg, samt gjesteprofessor ved Det Kongelige Danske Akademiet i København. Christensen har et stort samfunnsengasjement. Han initierte blant annet relanseringen av Lambda som alternativ for Munch Museet, og samlet en rekke ressurspersoner i dette arbeidet. Resultatet kjenner vi alle.
Hans arbeider har vært utstilt i anerkjente gallerier i Norge og i utlandet. Han representeres idag av WILLAS contemporary. Christensen har representert Norge på Venezia Biennalen, hans arbeider er inkludert i en rekke private og museums samlinger, deriblant Nasjonalgalleriet, Henie- Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo Kommunes Kunstsamling, Statoil Art Collection og Norsk Kulturråd.
“Look. And then look again. The first you notice might be the aesthetics. And if you look again, you might discover the other side.”
** Click on image to view its full size.

Kerberos Future I. Image size: 125*166 cm. Edition 7 + 2 AP
Kerberos Past I - 2015. Image size: 125*166 cm. Edition 5 + 2 AP
Kerberos Total - 2014. Image size: 125*166 cm. Edition 5 + 2 AP
Oceans Will Rise I [Doré] 2016. Image size: 32,6*37,9 cm. Edition 15 + 3 AP
Oceans Will Rise II [Doré] 2016. Image size: 32,6*37,9 cm. Edition 15 + 3 AP
Old Masters I - 2016. Image size: 110* 166 cm. Edition 5 + 2 AP
Old Masters II - 2016. Image size: 106,5* 166 cm. Edition 5 + 2 AP
Room for Dreams - 2015. Image size: 94*166 cm. Edition: 5 + 2 AP
Room for Memories - 2016. Image size: 120*166 cm. Edition 5 + 2 AP / Image size: 150*200 cm Edition 3 + 1 AP
Room for Reflections II - 2015. Image size: 125*166 cm. Edition 5 + 2 AP / Image size: 150*200 cm Edition 3 + 1 AP