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Thale Fastvold (b. 1978) is a visual artist and curator based in Oslo, Norway. She has a BA in photography from Istituto Europeo di Design in Rome, a Cand.mag (MA) in Art History and Literature from the University of Oslo, and is educated as a curator from Telemark University. Fastvold is a member of IKT - International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art and FFF – Norwegian Society of Fine Art Photographers.

Trained an analog photographer, her focus is on the dialog between classical photography and non-figurative abstraction. With photography and installation she researches the mysteries of science and spirituality. Fastvold exhibits internationally at museums like Museum of Nonconformist Art in Russia and Museum of St Petersburg Avant-garde and artfairs like X Contemporary in Miami, Timebag Colombia in Medellín and Cosmoscow in Moscow. Fastvold is curator of the non-profit exhibition space Window Box in Oslo (est. 2011) and co-director with Tanja Thorjussen of  LOCUS (est. 2006). With LOCUS she has published the books Kurator? (2009), ARTic (2015) and Arctic Hysteria – Collected stories and research through contemporary art (2016), which was launched at NY Art Book Fair, MoMA PS1 2016. Her artist book Ghost of M was launched at 57th La Biennale di Venezia at the National Pavilion of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2017.



Thale Fastvold (født 1978 i Oslo) er en norsk billedkunstner og kurator. Hun er utdannet ved Istituto Europeo di Design i Roma, Universitetet i Oslo og Høgskolen i Telemark. Fastvold stiller ut nasjonalt og internasjonalt, som på Museet for Nonconformist kunst i St Petersburg, Museet for Avant-garde i Russland, Tegnerforbundet og Kunstnernes Hus i Oslo og Small Projects i Tromsø, på internasjonale artfairs som Timebag Colombia i Medellin, X Contemporary i Miami og Cosmoscow i Moskva, og har hatt boklanseringer på MoMA PS1 og Veneziabiennalen. Sammen med Tanja Thorjussen er hun en av grunnleggerne av LOCUS. Fastvold er medlem i kunstnerorganisasjonene Norske Billedkunstnere, Forbundet Frie Fotografer, Billedkunstnerne i Oslo og Akershus, Norsk Kuratorforening og  IKT - International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art.



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Ghost of M, 2016

Ghost of M, 2016

Ghost of M, 2016

Ghost of M, 2016

Genius Loci nr 1, 2012

Genius Loci nr 2, 2012

Ghost of M Carrara, 2017

Ghost of M Carrara, 2017

Teriberka, 2016

Teriberka, 2016

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© All copyrights for the images of the works on this site remain with the individual copyright holders and are protected by international laws. The photographs may not be reproduced or manipulated in any form without written permission by the photographer.

Graphic design and website by Ina Otzko.


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